If George Zimmerman was brutally attacked by 17-year-old, unarmed Trayvon Martin, thrown to the ground, where he got a gash on the back of his head and grass stains all over his back, and then got his nose broken by the teen, why is none of it visible on this video from the police station several hours after the shooting? It’s a simple question. In my mind, the answer goes straight to the credibility of the killer, Zimmerman, who can create any farfetched tale of a violent, aggressive teen as he needs to fit his alibi. When I’m watching this video, courtesy of ABC News, I see no broken nose, no head gash, no blood. What I see are lies.
Click on the video below and see for yourself.
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This Trayvon character assassination, well into its fourth day, is providing the Zimmerman supporters all the evidence they need to paint a picture of a thug teenager attacking this poor 28-year-old Neighborhood Watch captain. After all, Trayvon had evidence of marijuana in his school backpack, right? As the perfect response to the Trayvon character assassination, we offer this deliciously insightful commentary by MSNBC anchor Martin Bashir, who compares the boy’s supposed misdeeds to those of a former bad boy we all know too well—former President George W. Bush. Please watch and enjoy.
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The Malik Fraternity, Inc., is organizing the 1,000 Campus Vigil For Trayvon, a candlelight vigil across campuses nationwide for students who want to “take a stand against discrimination, bigotry, violence and injustice” and “protest the cruel and heartless acts of those who prey on the innocent.” This, the group adds, “is not a color thing. This is a human thing. We must unite across America, across racial, religious, gender and cultural barriers and support the right to live in peace.” The vigil will take place on April 4 at 8:02 p.m. For more information and details on how to participate in this vigil on college campuses across America, check out the Malik Fraternity’s open FaceBook group here.
1. Apology To My Brown Boy: Bassey Ikpi On Trayvon Martin, Mothers & Raising Black Boys (VIDEO)
2. Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman, Black Friends & White Privilege
3. Teenager Killed in Florida by Neighborhood Watch Brings Terror To My Heart
4. Another Black Boy, Another Senseless Murder When Will It Stop?

Denene Millner
Mom. NY Times bestselling author. Pop culture ninja. Unapologetic lover of shoes, bacon and babies. Nice with the verbs. Founder of the top black parenting website, MyBrownBaby.
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This is a great question. If he was so brutally attacked then where are the bandages? I’m not a doctor, but I’ve seen enough broken noses to that he would have required a bandage of some sort for that. I’m hoping that whether or not charges get pressed against him that Trayvon’s parents are pursuing a lawsuit of their own. This man does not need to get off scotch free, especially with evidence proving his story to be a bunch of hogwash!