Today we wind up our week-long celebration of the release of “Fatherhood: Rising To the Ultimate Challenge,” the new book by NBA veteran Etan Thomas and MyBrownBaby contributor Nick Chiles, with a very simple homage to the daddies getting it right. I’ve made no secret here at MyBrownBaby about my love for dads who love, protect, respect, support and raise their children; I’m a daddy’s girl, truly, and any chance I get to sing the praises of men like him, I do it, if for no other reason than because if we don’t do it, who will?
So today, we salute fathers with “He Is,” Heather Headley’s soulful tribute to good men. Though I think Heather was singing about a true love, in my heart and musical mind, she was singing about good dads. The chorus says it all:
He is the mind objector, the heart protector
The soul defender of anything I fear
The baby conceiver, the make me believer
The joy bringer, the love giverHe is the dough increaser, the pleasure releaser
The hard knocks knower without the scars to show ya
The night school teacher, the good life preacher
The caretaker, the kiss craverHe is
What more could any child want? What more does any child deserve?
On this awesome Friday, I invite you to enjoy Heather’s song as you consider the mission of “Fatherhood.” Etan and Nick worked hard and dug deep not only to define and describe fatherhood and what it means to our community, but to create a guide for fathers, new and old, future dads and men working hard to overcome the effects of fatherlessness, even as they work hard to be good dads to their own children. Take a look at the excerpts we ran this week (links are below the video) and support Etan, Nick and men you love by purchasing this powerful book. Buy “Fatherhood: Rising to the Ultimate Challenge” here.
1. Welcome to “Fatherhood” Week on MyBrownBaby!
2. A Special MyBrownBaby Love Letter To Black Fathers Getting It Right
3. On Black Fathers, the African American Image and MyBrownBaby Etiquette
4. Fatherhood: Talib Kweli Says He Regrets Missing His Daughters Birth In New Book On Dads
5. Fatherhood: NBA Veteran Derrick Coleman Talks Fatherlessness, Anger In New Book On Dads
6. An Exclusive Interview with NBA Veteran Etan Thomas About His New Book “Fatherhood”

Denene Millner
Mom. NY Times bestselling author. Pop culture ninja. Unapologetic lover of shoes, bacon and babies. Nice with the verbs. Founder of the top black parenting website, MyBrownBaby.
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