With Baby Days Away, Kanye West Gets Gobbled by Gossip Monster

The gossip monster that parades as the entertainment media has managed to achieve a distinction that I didn’t think possible: they have managed to make me feel sorry for rapper Kanye West.
Based on reporting by Star newspaper, we are to believe that Kanye has been cavorting with a 24-year-old Canadian model while Kim Kardashian is pregnant. As a journalist, I’m never eager to impugn the reputation of journalistic outlets, but since when are we treating Star as a reputable publication? This is the tabloid whose circulation begins and ends at the supermarket checkout counter, next to the cigs, UFO sightings in The Globe and Fat Oprah pictures in the National Inquirer. How did we get here? When did the Star leap from Big Foot sightings to the New York Times?
Are Kim and Kanye the most attacked, ridiculed and derided expecting couple in the history of the entertainment media? Just days from giving birth, Kim now has to endure mainstream media outlets following up on a Star story that feels extremely dubious from beginning to end.
Here’s a sample quote from the Montreal “model” Leyla Ghobadi, who says she was plucked from the crowd by Kanye when he saw her in the front row of his Atlantic City show, dancing to “Mercy”:
“He told me he wanted to ‘hook up,’ but I was concerned that he was seeing Kim Kardashian,” she told Star. “He told me that (their relationship) was for publicity and nothing serious.”
Once they were in Kanye’s hotel room, “we began to make out for a while — and next thing I knew, we were both naked and having sex.”
This supposedly happened last August and then again after Kim got pregnant.
Of course it’s entirely possible that every word of this story is true—Kanye could have picked up this random 24-year-old in AC and told this total stranger that his relationship with one of the most famous reality stars in the world was a sham. Could happen.
But it all feels a little too much like what people want to believe about Kanye and Kim—that their pairing “was for publicity.” When it comes to these two, there’s absolutely no benefit of any doubt. Anything bad about them must be true. Anything good must be made-up bullsh*t. The stories are endless, relentless: Kim is a pregnant whale…Kanye and Kim live their lives on separate continents…Kim is miserable…Kanye is miserable.
I hope as they embark on this special time in their lives, as they are about to welcome a precious little one into the world, they are staying far away from the gossip rags.
Kanye’s rep said in a statement to TMZ: “This most recent attack on Kanye West and his family is totally without merit. It’s a blatant attempt by a misguided individual who is clearly seeking publicity, and another in a series of malicious stories drummed up by non-credible ‘news’ sources.”
The rep added: “This is a sad attempt to hurt two people trying to live their lives.”
These attempts to hurt Kim and Kanye just keep coming. And once the baby arrives, I fear that special event will only provide an additional target for attack. Kanye can ask his friends Jay-Z and Beyonce all about that one, how haters will even go after the babies. Can you say Blue Ivy?
1. Kim Kardashian and Her Expanding Pregnant Belly: Um, She’s SUPPOSED To Get Bigger. Geez.
2. Photos Of Mariah Carey’s New Post-Baby Body! Let’s All Feel Craptastic We STILL Have Our Baby Weight!
3. Beyonce’s Post Baby Body is Round and Curvy —Just like We Husbands Like Them
4. Beyonce, Jay-Z Take Blue Ivy To Paris: the Beauty Of Showing Kids the World

Nick Chiles
Nick Chiles is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and a New York Times bestselling author of 12 books, including the upcoming "The Rejected Stone: Al Sharpton and the Path To American Leadership," which he co-authored with Al Sharpton.
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