Introducing ‘Totally Lila’: A New YouTube Show For Tweens
Little Girlpie was bored this weekend and thought she’d use my brain and spend my money creating some random craft she’d been stalking on Pinterest. Mama wasn’t having it. Not with Little Girlpie’s Christmas haul still littering her bedroom floor. Not with that Rainbow Loom and 50-11 bags of colored rubber bands waiting for another kid workout. Not with those mason jars I bought just a couple weeks ago during a “Please, Mommy, Please” Target run sitting around, waiting to be painted/turned into candleholders/Magivered into a snow globe. Nah, son. It was 9 a.m. on a quiet Sunday morning. Sleep. Coffee. Melissa Harris-Perry. That’s all I wanted, and in that order.
Looking to get Little Girlpie, a.k.a. Lila, off my back—and trying really hard not to look the girl directly in those big ol’ brown eyes, because they make you do things—I tossed out a challenge: instead of trolling Pinterest and YouTube for what other people are doing, take my computer and make something awesome, then come show it to me. An hour later, before I got to the bottom of my coffee cup, she came back with her own YouTube channel and internet show, “Totally Lila.”
Yes, she totally pulled an Issa Rae on me.
But there’s nothing awkward about “Totally Lila.” The kid is a natural—scarily so. She tells me that her show will be for tweens by a tween who loves fashion, beauty, books, soccer, crafts and a bunch of other things she finds interesting. Her debut episode is every bit as adorable as her—beautiful, imperfect, quirky, smart, full of information, chatty and a smidge goofy. Totally Lila.
I’m so proud of Little Girlpie. Press play, and show “Totally Lila” to your own Girlpies (And Boypies, too!). We hope you dig it! (And be nice about it: like Erykah Badu, Little Girlpie is sensitive about her… well, you know.)

Denene Millner
Mom. NY Times bestselling author. Pop culture ninja. Unapologetic lover of shoes, bacon and babies. Nice with the verbs. Founder of the top black parenting website, MyBrownBaby.
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Little Lila is ADORABLE!!!!!!! I love she. We’ll be watching. 😉
Really cute! 11 is universal!
TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Umm how cute is she??? That was awesome. And she is a Natural!! Great Job Kiddo! cool! Do your thang Lila! I’m gonna show my boypie. 🙂
I LOVE this. My 4 yr old loves it too!
This was great! Her positive energy is contagious!
First of all, she’s 11???!!!!!! This is FABULOUS!!!! cannot wait to show Harold!
Totally Lila is Totally the BEST SHOW EVER!!!! LOVE IT!
So cool! Can I subscribe? LOL
This is AMAZING! We will be tuning in! Great job Lila! Btw, I’m with you with the Sunday ritual of sleep, coffee, MHP, and more sleep. 🙂
LOL…okay…so can I tell you how these girls are separated at birth…the cutest! Mimi has been doing these shows on her phone and they sound the same and the 11 year old mannerisms are hilarious!! Go Lila! We look forward to the next episode!
Love it! She’s a cutie! So nice to see parents supporting their babies!
Really good!! Loved every minute.
This was the best thing I’ve watched in a long time. I will sit down and watch with my little superstar tomorrow. Thanks Denene and Lila. Lila, you are a star! Love the headbacd, and so yeah.
I just watched and feel like a proud mama and she ain’t even my child! lol Congratulations Lila! That was great! I’m about to show it to my 6 year old daughter who I always say is a cross between Martha and Magiver on the creative scales. The first thing my baby says is “She look like me.” That’s like the Good Housekeeping Seal of approval right there! Now, off to let my Missy Mae watch the girl who looks like her and has her own show on YT…
Lila is beautiful and funny and I see her being the next Oprah or Melissa Harris-Perry. I’m a fan.
What a wonderful video! Lila is a natural. Rising star!
“If you want to wear it in the summer and get hot, then that’s totally on you!” Love this girl. Congratulations, Lila!
Congrats Lila! I just love Totally Lila & will share your show with all the Tweens I meet!!
Coach Caryl
Girls Empowerment
Self-esteem & beauty!
Fabulous, Lila! Can’t wait to see more. Totally, Awesome!
Just had to come back and add that Lila has inspired my 6 year old to start her own show, which she promptly began working on yesterday after we watched Totally Lila!. Mommy hasn’t agreed to let her post on YT just yet, but in the meantime she’s excited to have another creative outlet. So thank you Lila for the inspiration!
This is so cool. Hope this will show other young ladies that they can do this also. Lila very proud of you. Reach for the stars and hang on.