Why do women sometimes miss the signs when a good guy is right in front of them?
That’s a big question in the upcoming Lifetime movie, “With This Ring.”
CocoaFab caught up with Stephen Bishop (the sexy actor who plays Gabrielle Union’s on again, off again love interest in “Being Mary Jane“) and he’s ecstatic about his first role as a leading man in “With This Ring.”
“I went in and auditioned and it worked out well for me,” he said.
Stephen plays Nate, a well-dressed, scholarly executive who can articulate his points with razor-sharp precision, but irritate you at the same time with his smart-alecky antics. It’s a diverse role that Stephen is proud he secured.
“I love the fact that he (Nate) got to show a bit of range. He’s cocky, the snarky guy… then you could see him soften up,” he said. “He got to be the thorn in her side in the beginning and we got to see the arc of him developing feelings. It was like playing a couple different characters.”
Throughout the movie, the chemistry between Nate and Trista (Regina Hall) kept percolating until it finally brewed into something more. No spoilers, but let’s just say the pair’s 15-year friendship helped them to be on-camera-comfortable.
“I LOVE Regina Hall and you can print that!” he quipped. “She has always been one of my favorite people. She is so cool, so sweet; her sense of humor is incredible. She is a wonderful person. She’s such a good actor. I loved working with her.”
Stephen does not mind always playing the “good guy,” especially since he draws parallels from his characters to his own life.
“I am a good guy,” he said. “Most of my friends have told me I am a good guy to a fault with women. But I have my edge, don’t get me wrong.”
In the movie, Stephen’s character was truly against the vow that Regina made with her friends, and he would feel the same way about it in real life.
“I don’t like it in real life because it’s not organic. If you make a vow and trying to keep up with your friends and say in a year you’re going to get married, what makes you think you’re going to find the “marriage guy” in a year?” he asks.
“You can’t guarantee that! If you haven’t found him within the first 35 or whatever years you’ve been on earth, what makes you think you’re going to find him this year because you say so!”
Point taken.
“So it’s a bit far-fetched to think that you could honor that vow. I like things to happen organically. If they don’t happen by the grace of God then they just don’t happen.”
Sorry ladies, Stephen admitted he’s currently in a relationship.
“With This Ring” premieres on Lifetime at 8pm ET/PT.
“Stephen Bishop On With This Ring Role & Why He Loves Regina Hall” appeared originally on It was reprinted with permission.