Queen Latifah Wants To Be A Mom—Says She’ll Adopt

It’s no secret that here at MyBrownBaby, we adore moms and dads who open wide their arms and choose to become parents through adoption. I’m a child of adoption, so of course, the issue is very personal for me. It’s personal, too, for legions of brown babies who are languishing in the foster care system as they wait for families to open their homes to them. So when a mom- or dad-to-be makes clear they intend to join MyBrownBaby ranks, we celebrate them, and today, we extend that applause to Queen Latifah, who tells MORE magazine that she intends to adopt a child.
“I’m definitely going to adopt—or have—a child,” the Grammy Award-winning hip hop artist-turned-Academy Award-nominated actress says in MORE’s December 2011 cover feature. She adds: “I’ve wanted to adopt since I was 17 or 18 years old.”
If Queen Latifah, nee Dana Owens, follows through on her wish to become a mom through adoption, she’ll follow in the footsteps of celebrity moms Angelina Jolie, Sandra Bullock, Mariska Hargitay and The Help star Viola Davis, who recently announced she and her husband, Julius Tennon, adopted a baby girl named Genesis. Sandra, Mariska and Viola adopted domestically, meaning they chose African American children from a large pool of black kids within in our borders who need homes.
I couldn’t find any concrete numbers on whether adoptions spike whenever a celebrity adopts, but I can’t help but to think that it certainly opens folks’ eyes to the need for more people to step up to the plate and provide stable, loving homes for children who don’t have them. How incredible would it be for Latifah, a beloved hip hop star who’s long embodied the image of a strong, beautiful, savvy African American woman living life on her own terms, to lead the way in showing her generation in general and black folk in particular that adoption is a beautiful, viable alternative to becoming a parent through birth?
Get it, Latifah—we at MyBrownBaby are rooting for you and the child you’ll adopt. The two of you will be all the richer for the journey.
- Why White People Adopt Black Children
- {On The Parenting Post} A Mother’s Love
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Denene Millner
Mom. NY Times bestselling author. Pop culture ninja. Unapologetic lover of shoes, bacon and babies. Nice with the verbs. Founder of the top black parenting website, MyBrownBaby.
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AWW! Thanks for sharing! QL is such a strong black female; she would make a great mother. 🙂
Love this! Adoption has been one of the greatest blessings and privileges of my life. She will be a rich woman, indeed!
I think it wonderful that the Queen wants to be an adoptive parent. We have so many black children that need good homes.
Wonderful! There are so many Black children in the system, in comparison to other races. I considered adoption at one point.
Wonderful News! Great post!