Wycleff Jean revealed in his new book, “Purpose: An Immigrant’s Story,” that he broke off an affair with Lauryn Hill because she lied to him about fathering her first son, Zion—a revelation that burned up the internet this week. Though the book sounds interesting enough, and details of Wycleff’s love for both his wife, Claudinette, and Lauryn made for interesting fodder, I felt some kind of way about Wycleff’s very public airing out of his and Lauryn’s dirty laundry—for much of the same reasons as Ebony’s Jamilah Lemieux: “So why, in 2012, do we need to know the low down on this nearly-two-decades-ago affair, especially considering that the child in question is now old enough to watch the reveal play out on Twitter? Jean has stated in interviews that [Lauryn] would likely want him to be honest about the relationship because she is so honest herself, but honesty and full disclosure are not the same thing. Would this have been a true autobiography had he not included that one anecdote? I say ‘yes.’ He could have described the great love that allegedly inspired both The Score and The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill without bringing up the (alleged) paternity issue. He even could have admitted that Hill “broke his heart,” as he claims, without throwing her all the way under the bus…” Read the rest at Ebony.com.
1. Would You Let Your Daughter Wear This Racy Bikini? (Parenting)
2. Black Mother Beats Son’s Bully Up On The Schoolbus (CNN)
3. American Schools Are Still Heavily Segregated By Race & Income (Clutch)
4. Black women, who had the highest turnout of any group in 2008, lead the charge against voter ID laws (Salon)
5. Let’s Stop Pretending Children Are The Only Annoying People On Planes (Mommyish)
6. Why It’s Important To Hold On to Our Culinary Heritage (New York Times)
7. How Late Is Too Late For An Abortion? The Grey Areas Between Pro-Choice and Pro-Life (xoJane)
8. ‘Tamar & Vince’: Tamar Braxton Opens Up On New Show & Becoming A Mother (Huffington Post)
9. Black Girl in Malibu Sues District After Teacher Slaps Her in Face 4 Times (Atlanta Black Star)
And, finally, we at MyBrownBaby are praying for Good Morning America’s Robin Roberts, who had her bone marrow transplant and is awaiting word on whether the procedure, which took all of five minutes, will help cure her of the rare blood disorder, myelodysplastic syndrome, that she contracted from treatment for breast cancer last year. Below, check out this touching ABC News video of her day before and after the transplant, and all the love and light surrounding her as her sisters, friends and doctors prayed over her, sang with her and gave her strength to smile. #TeamRobin
Have a blessed weekend!

Denene Millner
Mom. NY Times bestselling author. Pop culture ninja. Unapologetic lover of shoes, bacon and babies. Nice with the verbs. Founder of the top black parenting website, MyBrownBaby.
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He s still not over it thats why. He always talks about it..you d think he’s wife b ticked hes not over an old girlfriend but hey maybe shes mature.
Agreed. I tried reading the whole excerpt, but I couldn’t continue. I wondered why he felt the need to included the affair. I just got the feeling that he was bragging and that it would stir up controversy for book sales. I can’t say that I have ever been a fan of his and I’m not interested in reading his book.