Let’s say your black son comes home one night, scared, out of breath from running. He tells you that some guy with a gun chased him and shot at him, and his girlfriend heard the whole thing on the phone. He stammers that all he was doing was going to the store for a bag of Skittles and iced tea.
Now you have to muster the courage to respond. What do you say? How can you protect him? What can you do to make sure that he comes home safe tomorrow night, and the night after that? You must give him “the Stalking Talk.”
It’s not easy to have “the Stalking Talk,” to tell your child how the stereotype of the threatening young black male is so deeply ingrained that some people look at him and imagine they see a monster—what one researcher labels as a fear so deep that it mimics our primitive reactions “to spiders and snakes.”
Our country is racially illiterate.
Our research on racial socialization suggests that Americans talk about race all the time but can’t have a conversation without sweating bullets. Trayvon Martin’s situation did not just now illuminate America’s trouble with racial profiling. Basic societal institutions have for centuries used this strategy against children of color. Some days it’s a gun, sometimes it’s an arrest, other times it’s a job rejection, and most of the time it’s a school expulsion. All of this is racial profiling and it starts in pre-school. The “Stalking Talk” should be required for every household and classroom in America to teach youth to become emotionally literate about racially stressful moments.
We’ve learned that black boys and girls can learn to read when others may be impulsively afraid of them. They can be taught to respond in healthy ways to men and women who can’t fathom their beauty, potential, creativity, and intelligence, who believe walking home while black is a crime. Using mindfulness strategies, they can learn to read their own stress levels, bodily reactions and feelings when they are being mistreated, and to change their reactions to stereotypes and the impulsive reactions of others.
They can learn to expect disrespect, appreciate when it fails to appear, and excel despite the haters.
In my program called ViRUS (Villages Raising Us)—for African American boys and girls from an upcoming book, Promoting Racial Literacy in Schools: What A Difference Stress and Assertiveness Make—we teach families and leaders to teach their children racial literacy and stress management skills, or the ability to emotionally read, recast and resolve racially stressful interactions. It boils down to these steps:
· Know when you are stressed and how it affects your body
· Learn to see racial fear in others threatened by you
· Resist internalizing their fear. It doesn’t belong to you
· Protect yourself by managing your stress in thoughts, words, actions
· Affirm yourself in the face of it by speaking clearly for your rights
· Stop using stereotypes as a way to understand others or yourself
With racial literacy skills, young people and their families learn to cope without retaliation or avoidance, without suppressing their feelings or losing control. They learn to choose if and when to speak strongly and respectfully. They learn that the racial hostility they experience is not their problem, will not simply disappear and that courage can be found in refusing to play or be played by the role of monster, spider or snake.
So when your son comes home, embrace him (Affection) and tell him that he is your child and you will do whatever it takes to keep him alive, and it begins with how beautiful and wonderful a gift he is. Tell him that you want to hear his story. Talk about how other people are afraid of him (Protection). And tell him that it’s not his fault, and that he doesn’t have to swallow, adopt or internalize that historical ignorance whether he is 8 or 88 years old (Correction).
It seems absurd that in 2013, we have to resort to this kind of parenting. It offends our sensibilities. We are Americans. America is the home of the free and the brave. It is the birthplace of democracy.
But we are also Americans when we get quiet and look away when we see racial injustice. That is our history, too. The wanton violence against brown and black children is also in our history. We want rainbows without the rain, diversity without the difference, and justice without talking about the injustice—what Frederick Douglass called wanting “crops without plowing up the ground.”
Talking like this to youth has its detractors.
“Aren’t we teaching the children to hate?” they say. “Doesn’t this make our children, our world, racist?”
Few of us will ever experience an airplane crash, and few of those who do will survive it. Yet before every takeoff, flight attendants show us what to do in case of such an emergency.
Are we saying that it makes sense to prepare for an aircraft emergency where the odds of occurrence and survival are small, but no sense to prepare black boys and girls for the potential detriment and risk of racial profiling, which occurs more frequently? Having the talk about racial conflict in the world no more causes racism than putting on the oxygen mask causes a plane crash.
Let’s be clear: There is nothing Trayvon Martin’s parents and family could have done to bring him home that February night in Sanford, FL. Although Trayvon’s father gave him “the talk,” nothing could have prepared his son for what happened. Perhaps there was something George Zimmerman’s parents could have done to help him manage his irrational fears of black and brown youth. Either way, the “Stalking Talk” should not be dependent on “the democracy we should have” but the “democracy we got.”
All parents must do all that we can to bring more of our boys and girls back home by telling them how to cope with the racial and post-racial monsters they might face along the way. Whatever we do, we must not allow protest to get in the way of the face-to-face affection, protection, and correction they’ll need every step of the way back into our open arms.
Howard Stevenson is a Professor of Education and Africana Studies in the Applied Psychology and Human Development Division at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education.
1. The George Zimmerman Verdict Is Deeply Inhumane. This Is Why We Need To Keep Fighting.
2. In a Fog of Trayvon Rage and Sadness, Saying Goodbye to My Son
3. Trayvon Martin’s Parents are Still Co-Parenting—Through Death and Zimmerman’s Trial
4. Teenager Killed in Florida by Neighborhood Watch Brings Terror To My Heart

Denene Millner
Mom. NY Times bestselling author. Pop culture ninja. Unapologetic lover of shoes, bacon and babies. Nice with the verbs. Founder of the top black parenting website, MyBrownBaby.
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wisdom… Thank you.
Thank you, Ms. Smalley
i’m sorry. Ms. Smalley
This is a powerful and refreshing article.
Thank you Ms. Kaymara
Thank you for such a beautifully written and thought provoking article. I wish there was no need for such an article to exist; however, given that fact that this is the “democracy that we got”, I’m thankful that you are focused on providing tools that can be used to help save our children. Thank you Professor Stevenson.
Thank you Denise. it’s a tragedy and an opportunity, albeit one hard to swallow.
Hi, Dr. Stevenson.
Once again, a highly instructive essay, and filled with wisdom. Lots of talking points to be garnered, for Black, Brown and White students. Actually, having the talk with White students and families is, to me, the greater challenge. Do you have suggestions for how to have “the Talk” with White constituencies? Better yet: Will you come to my school?
I would be glad to come to your school and the work we are doing is very relevant for white students and teachers and professionals.thank you for your kind comments.
Thank you, Howard, for speaking to our country’s unfinished business. I would like to share this with those in my community.
Dear Howard: your research, insight and direct way of communicating both continue to educate me long after you first upended my white privilege world years ago at Park School in Baltimore. Though I’m no longer at Park (but still in the indep school world), I hope one day our paths will cross again. The concept of racial literacy is simple yet profound! And it’s one we must embrace, no matter how much upset it may cause in the dominant culture. You are the one who taught me to lean into, rather than away from conflict. I can’t wait to read your book and start imagining how to bring your thinking to life at my school this year. I hope your contact info is easy to find on the web because We may need your guidance. Many, many thanks for igniting my mind yet again.
Beth Casey
Dr. Stevenson,
Great blog. Thank you for reminding us that although the year is not 1953, “the talk” is still necessary even in 2013, yet with strategies that make sense for the times. Also, thanks for reading and responding to my cathartic blog The Verdict – A letter to my Son. Resources In Independent School Education looks forward to working with you and your work as we build bridges between families of color and the culture of independent schools!