I was so moved by Melissa Harris-Perry‘s discussion yesterday about rape culture on college campuses. Yes, I know: it’s been a popular discussion of late, what with the convictions in the Steubenville, Ohio rape and sexual assault case and the rapey lyrics in Rick Ross’ “U.O.E.N.O.,” a song so perverse that it cost him a lucrative Reebok endorsement and cred among legions of his audience. But in true #Nerdland fashion, MHP elevated the discussion in a way that directly appeals to those of us black folk who look to her for insight from a distinctly African-American female perspective; she added her voice by featuring a segment about the case of three Morehouse College students who have been charged in the rape of a Spelman College women. Melissa’ report was inspired by a letter from a Spelman student who, Melissa reported, sent her a note, claiming that some Spelman College women have been bashing the alleged victim, implicating her in her own rape—for being out drunk and fellowshipping with men—and accusing her of sullying the reputation of Morehouse in general and its black male students in particular by reporting the crime and insisting Morehouse punish the accused. Wrote the student:
“My fellow Spelman sisters are so concerned about Morehouse’s reputation being tainted, they’re not focused on the true issues here involving humanity, the sacredness of a woman’s body, and the fact that we are our sisters’ keeper.”
Melissa Harris-Perry does not disappoint as she makes the connection between Ida B. Wells’ journalistic crusade against the Jim Crow-era lynching of black men by southern white terrorists and the persistent devaluing of black rape victims and their horrific experiences in a society that constantly disrespects and dissects our bodies, thereby giving those who would do us harm license to do so—and get away with it. It’s a worthy discussion that, indeed, needs to be held—and I’m grateful for Melissa Harris-Perry, who always manages to dig into the issues of the day in ways I wish mainstream media would bother to. Watch Melissa’s segments, in two parts, below.
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Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
1. Melissa Harris-Perry To 16-Year-Old Steubenville Rape Victim: I Believe You (Video)
2. Steubenville, Ohio Rape Case Shows Teen Cruelty Unleashed by Social Media
3. Little Girl Loved: A Letter For the Cleveland, Texas Child From a Black Father Who Cares
4. Gang Rape in Texas: When Will We Stop Sacrificing Girls In Defense of Black Boys?
5. A Valentine’s Day Dance With A Purpose: Helping To End Violence Against Women

Denene Millner
Mom. NY Times bestselling author. Pop culture ninja. Unapologetic lover of shoes, bacon and babies. Nice with the verbs. Founder of the top black parenting website, MyBrownBaby.
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Again, you post something that caught my attention. Now I am late in getting everyone to there final destination! I guess what I am saying here is thank you for effectively keeping your readers informed about Black issues. I’m just sad my time is limited and your post come during the busiest moment of my day. 🙁
Have a great day!
MHP is a first rate journalist and analyst. Thank for sharing this amazing clip!
[quote]who always manages to dig into the issues of the day in ways I wish mainstream media would bother to[/quote]
Do you recall if Dr Harris-Perry has spoken of:
1) The Impact Of US Drone Strikes On Yemen And Other Nation’s Of Color?
2) How The Assignment Of The Black Panther In Cuba To The American Terrorist Watch List Marks A “Wrap Around” Of The Black Progressive Struggle – Where The Forces That Used To Be Condemned As “The Oppressor” Is Now Fully Supported By The Black Voter – The Black Press Has Necessarily Compromised Itself To Protect Its Interests In The Government While Stringing The Black Rank And File Along As If They Are Revolutionaries?
3) The “THINGS” aborted in the Philadelphia Clinic look a bit more like what our African-Ancestors prayed over with the hopes that they would grow into the “Kings and Queens” that she had once felt comfortable admitting before she saw the film footage.
With all due respect – and again I am not challenging your right to have an opinion – Dr Perry ONLY “digs into issues” that amplifies her Progressive-Bias and stays clear of SELF-INDICTMENTS that might cause her to wonder aloud if this Progressivism is actually developing Black people commensurate to the investments made.
Actually, I have seen her cover, discuss and analyze drone attacks, Sister Assata Shakur’s assignment to the FBI’s “Most Wanted” list, and the Philadelphia abortion horror, among many other subjects that take the Obama administration and many others to task. This one was talked about here on MyBrownBaby because black women and rape is a subject near and dear to my heart. I encourage you to actually watch the show before you make the assumption that MHP doesn’t talk about any substantive issues regarding our community. She does it two hours each on Saturdays and Sundays, 10 a.m. to noon. #Nerdland
Since I refer to you in my post about my observations as I watch “The Melissa Harris Perry Show” – I am notifying you of the post.
Um, thanks? Though I’m not sure how, exactly, you can take it upon yourself to blame your emotional instability on a blog post, or the person who wrote it. But if it makes you sleep better at night…